Have We Learned Nothing?When I saw the
first news report about the terrible problem of discrimination inherent in single-sex bathrooms, I passed it off as a curious feature, the news wonk's equivalent of a local paper running a picture of puppies in the park on sunny day. But now, the issue has appeared again, in
Slate's jurisprudence column of all places. Why are otherwise bright, well-educated liberals wasting time on this issue? Have they sunk so low that the only victory that they can hope to acheive is changing the sign on the bathroom door?
It is no wonder that the Republicans are in control of the country. I can only imagine how Karl Rove and Rush Limbaugh would bust their guts laughing about this before going back to picking out more arch-conservative judges, thinking of new ways to blow off the UN, and artfully spin how yet another protect the rich measure is really in the best interest of working Americans.